Gpsa Framework Agreement

GPSA Framework Agreement: What You Need to Know

The Global Partnership for Social Accountability (GPSA) is a multi-donor trust fund that supports civil society organizations` efforts to promote transparency, accountability, and citizen participation in the delivery of public services. The GPSA Framework Agreement is a contract that governs the relationship between the GPSA and its implementing partners. In this article, we`ll discuss what the GPSA Framework Agreement is, why it`s important, and what you need to know as an implementing partner.

What is the GPSA Framework Agreement?

The GPSA Framework Agreement is a legal instrument that outlines the terms and conditions that govern the relationship between the GPSA and its implementing partners. It sets out the roles and responsibilities of each party and the procedures for implementing and monitoring GPSA-funded projects. The agreement is signed by both parties and is a legally binding document.

Why is the GPSA Framework Agreement important?

The GPSA Framework Agreement is an essential component of the accountability and transparency mechanisms underpinning the GPSA`s work. It ensures that implementing partners are aware of the GPSA`s expectations and that there is clarity about the roles and responsibilities of each party. By setting out clear procedures for implementation, the agreement enhances the accountability of both the GPSA and its implementing partners.

What are the key components of the GPSA Framework Agreement?

The GPSA Framework Agreement contains several key components, including:

1. Principles: The agreement sets out the principles that underpin the GPSA`s work, including the importance of citizen participation, transparency, and accountability.

2. Roles and Responsibilities: The agreement outlines the roles and responsibilities of each party, including the GPSA, implementing partners, and project team members.

3. Implementation Procedures: The agreement sets out the procedures for implementing GPSA-funded projects, including procurement processes, reporting requirements, and monitoring and evaluation procedures.

4. Financial Management: The agreement outlines the financial management procedures for GPSA-funded projects, including budgeting, disbursement, and reporting requirements.

5. Intellectual Property: The agreement sets out the procedures for the ownership and use of intellectual property developed during GPSA-funded projects.

What do you need to know as an implementing partner?

As an implementing partner, it`s essential to understand the requirements set out in the GPSA Framework Agreement. You should ensure that you have read and understood the agreement before signing it. You should also ensure that you have the capacity to implement the project effectively and that you have the necessary resources to meet the reporting and monitoring requirements set out in the agreement.

In conclusion, the GPSA Framework Agreement is a critical component of the GPSA`s work, providing a clear framework for the implementation of its projects. As an implementing partner, it`s essential to understand the requirements set out in the agreement and to ensure that you have the capacity and resources to implement the project effectively. By working together and adhering to the conditions set out in the agreement, we can enhance transparency, accountability, and citizen participation in the delivery of public services.